
Honest Day's Pay for Honest Day's work! Call Today - Paint Tomorrow! Save 60% off retail prices at paint stores!
We provide the most convenient and hassle free way to complete your 1or 2 day painting and repair projects quickly and professionally. Our highly trained crew also specializes in general property repairs of all types.
No salesperson / No appointments /
No hassles... just a great way to
conveniently get the small jobs you need
done NOW!

Feel free to compare our prices. We keep costs down by avoiding expenses like estimators' salaries and sales commissions. Plus, we pass on our savings from paint stores to you with discount codes.

  • We don't do on-site estimates. Instead, we offer full-service painting crews by the shift. No deposits needed. Pay only when happy at end of the work day.
  • Our full-service approach includes more than just painting; we also handle tasks like drywall repair, sanding, and wallpaper removal.
  • Our painters bring all the necessary equipment for their 8-hour shift. Top of the line equipment.
  • You'll need to purchase materials like paint, primer, and tape, but we can advise you on the amount and type of paint to get. Paint store salespeople will also assist you as they are trained to sell their painting products.
  • Each painter can cover about 375 square feet or 2-3 small rooms two coats of paint during their shift. On average we paint rooms for $99 or less. 
  • If you're looking to save on your project, give us a call for a free phone consultation. We work seven days a week.

Our prices are unbeatable, and you only pay once you're satisfied with the work. We guarantee to beat any competitor's rates for similar services.

Sherwin-Williams           Green Sure
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